Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Q4 Group Project

Our team name was Baby vac and our product was the baby vac. The baby vac is a baby onesie with a vacuum attached so when the baby crawls he cleans up the floor. We worked well together to come up with a product and develop a plan of action to get our project done. we struggled most on getting the website don because no one knew how to do it. make sure we have at least one person who knows how to do each thing and if not tech them at the beginning. if i could change anything i would probably change a few of my group members to people who knew how to do certain things. i improved working with a group and my leadership abilities improved. in video i helped work on the script for our commercial. in animations i made different parts to the room that our product was in. In graphic design i made the ad and a coupon for our product.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dog House in Sketch Up

    In this project I made a simple dog house using the rectangle tool and the offset tool to make edges around the house and to push the wall in behind the roof a little bit.

Table and Chairs in Sketch Up

          In this project I used sketch up to make a scene with table and chairs I used the follow me tool to make the legs and used components to copy all the chair legs and make al the chairs at the same time.

My Name Written Animation

          For this project I used photoshop to write my name with an animation. I did this by first choosing a font that looked like it was hand written then I slowly erased my name backward and copied each layer. Then I converted the layers to frame animation and it played out like I was writing my name.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Bouncing Ball Following Arcs

     In this animation I used the animation principles squash and stretch, ease in ease out and arcs. This was the same as the other bouncing ball GIF I made except in this one is following arcs to make it more realistic. thees principles are used in animation to make it look more realist except in animation these characteristics are exaggerated.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Personality Type

     My personality type is ISTP based on the Meyer Briggs personality test. ISTP's think logically and are realistic. They are really good at troubleshooting and look for the practical solution. they can work independant and are very resourceful. Other people with my personality type are Steve Jobs the founder of Apple and millionaire before he died in 2011. Another person with the same personality type as me is Jack Dorsey who is the founder and CEO of both Twitter and square a mobile payments company.

     I think the ISTP personality type describes me very well. I am very interested in the mechanics of how things work, very attentive to detail, I love solving problems and I like to explore the world around me. This helps me understand why I am the way I am and why i do certain things.

     When put on a team project I always seem to be the one to imagine and come up with the design. I also tend to be the problem solver and always come up with a solution to what stands in our way. Whenever I am given a role that matches my personality I always     take interest and shine in that role. When given a role that doesn't match my personality I usually don't take interest in it and I don't really do it as good. People sometimes mistake me as pushy or controlling because of they way I try to take the lead in group projects.This may explain why I sometimes get mad at my brother for acting like a know it all, it may just be because I don't understand his personality type. 

     I took another personality test that compared your personality to animals a Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever or a Beaver. my top animal was a Lion and my second highest was a Beaver. Lions strengths are that they are goal orientated, strong and direct. Beaver's strength's are that they have high standards, order, and respect. I think these describe me very well but some things don't i think i am a blend between the two.     

Friday, October 23, 2015

Animating in Photoshop

What I Learned About Squash and Stretch In Photoshop!

     I have never animated before but in this project I learned a basic animation in Photoshop. I made bouncing ball using the basic principle of animation, squash and stretch. The stretch gives the allusion of speed and the squash ads the more realistic effect of bouncing. I also learned how to make an animation Photoshop using layers and frames. I also learned how to use gradients to make objects look 3D.

Learn More!

Squash & stretch

How to Animate in Photoshop